Champlain College Education Studies

social networking for Champlain College education majors


Blog Posts

The Importance of Meaning-Making and a Transparent Thought Process: WHY, WHy, Why...Integrating Technology.

I came across this succinct and helpful article by Alex Lickerman, M.D. that reinforces the need to both encourage our students to ask "WHY" and to help provide reasons for engaging into curriculum and instruction.  It also supports one of the most difficult things for teachers to do and that is to remember to model our thought-process for the actions that we…


Posted by John Stroup on April 27, 2023 at 6:00am — 32 Comments

The Future of Education - Emerging Technologies and Emerging Practices

As we enter the last segment of this class where we have been thinking about education, technology, and the future of the learning environment, I thought it might be helpful for us to stop and dream a little bit about what you really expect the education and classroom to look like in 10 years...20 years...yes, even 35 years from now.  What should we be…


Posted by John Stroup on April 5, 2023 at 8:00am — 46 Comments

The Maker Movement and Education

The Maker Movement in education is one of the newest developments in a long line of technological innovations to change the nature of k-12 learning environment.  Education researchers, Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez, in their article, "Making Matters! How the Maker Movement Is Transforming Education" suggest that,

"All students…


Posted by John Stroup on March 29, 2023 at 10:00am — 42 Comments

Using the LACK framework to make choices about Integrating Technology: TikTok

Ok, let's try our luck at applying the LACK framework to a process of learning and using technology for creative outlets among young people.

Again, from our close read in Bransford, Brown, and Cocking's classic Chapter 6: Design of the Learning Environment in …


Posted by John Stroup on March 21, 2023 at 9:00am — 49 Comments



Attached to this discussion post you will find a link to my…Continue

Started by Najma Malawia in Sample Title Feb 8, 2022.


Started by javier Spurlock in Sample Title Feb 8, 2022.


Remix1: Remixing education can allow for students to see different viewpoints and approach problems from a…Continue

Started by Madison Ryder in Sample Title Feb 8, 2022.

John's Trip to Morocco

Hi, Folks.If you want to take a look at my trip to Morocco, click on the kmz below.John…Continue

Started by John Stroup in Uncategorized Mar 30, 2019.


Latest Activity

Radek Dvorak commented on John Stroup's blog post The Importance of Meaning-Making and a Transparent Thought Process: WHY, WHy, Why...Integrating Technology.
"This class has thoroughly made me understand the importance of technology in teaching, especially in contrast to the first semester when everything was done on paper. Technology is rapidly evolving, and the things that it can do now are already…"
May 7, 2023
Radek Dvorak commented on John Stroup's blog post Technology and the Design of the Learning Environment
"i chose to look at this article: , that explained the use of chatGPT in classrooms. The teacher used it to show how chatGPT…"
May 6, 2023
Radek Dvorak commented on John Stroup's blog post Creativity, Education, and Technology Integration
"I like adobes way of defining problem solving. Coming up with new ways to twist what it is that is already defined helps you think about the subject in a new light that might make it easier to comprehend. Everybody learns differently, so figuring…"
May 6, 2023
Radek Dvorak commented on John Stroup's blog post Fake News and Critical Thinking
"I chose to look at click restraint. It covered the topic on being more mindful on what you click on after searching something up, and how the first few results could be put there as advertisements from bigger corporations intending to mislead you.…"
May 6, 2023
Radek Dvorak commented on John Stroup's blog post Education Policy in Vermont and the Move to Personalize Learning for Vermonters
"I believe that personalized learning promises increased engagement, greater flexibility, more targeted instruction, and improved outcomes. However, it also presents challenges such as equity concerns, teacher workload, lack of social interaction,…"
May 6, 2023
Jan Duke commented on Cole Weiss's blog post Blog Post - Prodigy Math
"As someone with a math focus and a knack for games, this tool rules as a way to keep track of how students are doing in terms of their abilities in math, given it adjusts to how well the students are doing and can get progressively harder if…"
May 5, 2023
Jan Duke commented on Radek Dvorak's blog post What is ChatGPT
"As a purveyor of the grandma exploit, I have used ChatGPT. Though, I wouldn't use it myself for furthering understanding or quick answers, because while the information that it provides can be true, due to its nature as a language model, the…"
May 5, 2023
Jan Duke commented on Josh R. Morales Somoredjo's blog post Kurzweil 3000 - Emergent Technology Project
"For those with any level of learning disability, language barrier, reading difficulties, or those that just happen to come across words they don't know, Kurzweil seems like a great tool to go to. For people with dyslexia, having text be able to…"
May 5, 2023
Jan Duke commented on Julia Lamwers's blog post Emergent Tech BLog Post
"I had a lot of fun with Funbrain. From that standpoint of a student using it, I can definitely see how this would hold my attention and kind of "trick" me into learning by having everything on the website be educational in nature, but…"
May 5, 2023
Jan Duke commented on John Stroup's blog post Should we teach kids to code? Should we require all students to take computer science?
"I'll be honest, I've got a bit of a bias when it comes to learning to code. For me, it was a lot like reapplying the knowledge of problem-solving taken from normal mathematics, rethinking the structure of English as a whole, and combining…"
May 5, 2023
Jan Duke commented on John Stroup's blog post Creativity, Education, and Technology Integration
"I like the angle of defining the problem at hand. If you're able to take the problem you have and take it into another perspective, or take a possible opportunity and work with it in an angle you're not used to to create something new, or…"
May 5, 2023
Jan Duke commented on John Stroup's blog post Education Policy in Vermont and the Move to Personalize Learning for Vermonters
"Personalized learning is a way for each student to get a unique approach to their own learning path. Through the use of technology, educators are able to adapt to the paces of their students so that they can hone in on what each student needs help…"
May 5, 2023
Cole Weiss commented on John Stroup's blog post The Future of Education - Emerging Technologies and Emerging Practices
"1. The idea I found most compelling is the robot teacher assistant. It's important to note that Gonzalez doesn't mean that teachers would be replaced by robots. They would be supplementary. I think this is a cool idea especially for higher…"
May 5, 2023
Cole Weiss commented on John Stroup's blog post The Importance of Meaning-Making and a Transparent Thought Process: WHY, WHy, Why...Integrating Technology.
"Technology is something that we as educators should embrace and teach students how to use to leverage their own learning. It's clear that it can be used effectively or ineffectively depending on how you approach it, but the possibilities…"
May 5, 2023
Ashton Kinlan commented on Radek Dvorak's blog post What is ChatGPT
"1.  I have used chatgpt for organizing my paper better, MLA citing, and just general idea making.  it works great  for general ideas especially if you are our of them.2.  It would be good for teaching, just not yet?  It is…"
May 4, 2023
Ashton Kinlan commented on Cole Weiss's blog post Blog Post - Prodigy Math
"Prodigy seems like a great tool to teach younger students about math.  Especially since they will be more focused on the game aspect rather then the math!"
May 4, 2023

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